
【9X-下】薛念林 => 物件導向(期中考)

(X) 1. A string object is a mutabile object
(X) 2. The java complier translates your java program into machine code
(O) 3. The code is legal:
   int a, b;
(X) 4. The code is legal;
   double a = 100;
   int b;
   b = (int) ((double)5/9) * a;
(O) 5. The methods : public void test (String a) and
   public void test (String b) have the same signature
(O) 6. The methods : public void test (String a) and
   public void test (String a) have the same signature
(O) 7. A static method can call static methods and access static variable
(O) 8. A non-static method can call static methods and access static variable

1. what's different between && and & ?
2. why do we define a method toString() in a class ?
3. what is privacy leak ?
4. what is mutable class ?
5. what is deep copy ?

